Our sponsorship of Women in 3D Printing reflects a shared vision of a more accessible, diverse, and inclusive additive manufacturing landscape. By supporting this organization, we are dedicated to creating an industry where everyone has the opportunity to contribute, innovate, and thrive. Xact Metal's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is embodied in our partnership with Women in 3D Printing.

Advancing Accessibility and Inclusion: Xact Metal’s Women in 3D Printing Sponsorship

At Xact Metal, we believe that innovation thrives in an environment that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a company committed to advancing additive manufacturing technologies, we recognize the transformative power of accessible opportunities for all individuals. Our dedication to these values is exemplified through our sponsorship of the Women in 3D Printing organization, an initiative that resonates deeply with our ethos of creating a more inclusive industry.

Empowering a Diverse Community:

Diversity fuels creativity and drives progress. At Xact Metal, we understand that true innovation arises from the convergence of varied perspectives and backgrounds. By partnering with Women in 3D Printing, we aim to empower women and underrepresented individuals in the additive manufacturing field. Through this collaboration, we actively contribute to cultivating a diverse community that brings fresh insights and ideas to the forefront of our industry.

Fostering Equal Opportunities:

Equity is the cornerstone of a fair and just society. As part of our commitment to equity, we support Women in 3D Printing in its mission to create equal opportunities for individuals from all walks of life. By removing barriers and providing access to resources, education, and mentorship, we strive to level the playing field and ensure that talent and potential are recognized and nurtured irrespective of gender or background.

Inclusion that Transcends Boundaries:

Inclusion goes beyond representation; it is about fostering an environment where every voice is valued and heard. Through our partnership with Women in 3D Printing, we actively promote a culture of inclusion that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. By engaging with a global network of professionals, we contribute to creating spaces where diverse voices can collaborate and contribute to the advancement of additive manufacturing.

The Mission of Accessibility:

At Xact Metal, the theme of “accessibility” takes center stage in our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We recognize that equal access to opportunities and resources is essential for realizing the full potential of individuals within our industry. By supporting Women in 3D Printing, we work towards making additive manufacturing more accessible to all, breaking down barriers and ensuring that the benefits of innovation are within reach for everyone.

A Shared Vision:

Our sponsorship of Women in 3D Printing reflects a shared vision of a more accessible, diverse, and inclusive additive manufacturing landscape. By supporting this organization, we are dedicated to creating an industry where everyone has the opportunity to contribute, innovate, and thrive. Xact Metal’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is embodied in our partnership with Women in 3D Printing. Through our sponsorship, we champion accessibility as a fundamental principle that drives our efforts to create a more inclusive additive manufacturing community. As we continue to promote technology adoption, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering an environment where all individuals are empowered to shape the future of our industry.

Xact Metal Services photo
Xact Metal's mission to provide accessible metal 3d printers.
Xact Metal exhibiting at Rapid + TCT.